Re: How do I uninstall Gnome

On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 04:05:12PM +0100 or thereabouts, ciaran oriordan wrote:
> Don't get me wrong I love gnome but I have two boxes on which something 
> gnome is screwed up.  What I wanna do is completely unistall/Delete gnome 
> and reinstall: What do I delete?

The best way is to find out what you would need to _install_ GNOME and
then remove them and replace them. I imagine a quick glance at the
ftp directories would tell you what's currently considered to be GNOME. or something. Or a mirror. 

> My condition: On one box I can't convince applications that I have gtk 
> 1.2.8 and glib 1.2.8; configure keeps saying I have 1.2.7! I've deleted 
> all remenants of gtk/glib 1.2.7, checked gtk-config and tried other means 
> such as deleting the checks for said libraries in configure scripts (this 
> works sometimes but the problem's not solved.

Can't solve this.
> The other box was a clean HelixCode install but after trying to install 
> Nautilis HelixCode says I need to update everything and when I do It 
> gives me a list of 100 or so conflict (note: this is my work machine 
> and can't be brought down or reinstalled etc.)

Ouch! Can I suggest that for the future, preview releases are not
best experimented with on work boxes where you can't reboot, reinstall,
and so on..? :) 

I don't follow, though. Did you install extra stuff to get Nautilus
to work? (I haven't tried, but I've seen that Nautilus comes with
quite a list of things to install before you can get Nautilus onto
the box.) 

Telsa (who is still running RH 6.1 plus security updates, GNOME add-ons,
crypto extras and documentation stuff on her "work" machine, and playing 
with stuff gets done Firmly Elsewhere. Yes, I'm a coward.)

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