How do I uninstall Gnome

Don't get me wrong I love gnome but I have two boxes on which something gnome is screwed up.

What I wanna do is completely unistall/Delete gnome and reinstall:
What do I delete?

My condition:
On one box I can't convince applications that I have gtk 1.2.8 and glib 1.2.8; configure keeps saying I have 1.2.7! I've deleted all remenants of gtk/glib 1.2.7, checked gtk-config and tried other means such as deleting the checks for said libraries in configure scripts (this works sometimes but the problem's not solved.

The other box was a clean HelixCode install but after trying to install Nautilis HelixCode says I need to update everything and when I do It gives me a list of 100 or so conflict (note: this is my work machine and can't be brought down or reinstalled etc.)

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