Re: How to suppress the annoying warning message for gmc??

* Craig Orsinger ( wrote:
> On 16-Aug-00 Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> > However, did anyone notice the RH beta? That had a "show this warning
> > next time?" checkbox on the warning...
>         I like this idea. While it's true that new users need to
> be reminded about these things, I've seen this message often enough
> that even if I weren't already aware of the dangers, I would be
> thoroughly aware of them by now. Besides, the best way to make sure
> that untrained people aren't messing around in root is to not give
> them the root password.
>         And yes, I do occasionally need to log in as root.

The "su" command is for logging in as root... Why do you need to run X
and gmc and all the gnome applications as root though?

It's a shame if that warning is now disableable... If I had written that
code, it would've shown the message then quit if UID==0 ;-)

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England |    |
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