Re: starting applet

On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 03:43:25PM -0500 or thereabouts, wrote:
> I just heard about an interesting kde2 feature that someone might want to
> implement in gnome. A while ago, there was a discussion here about trying
> to figure out a way for an app once started to notify the user that its
> actually starting up and not crashed. We can make a pannel applet that
> shows all the apps that are starting and havent shown themselves yet.
> Maybe make it look like "|Starting: X X X|" where each X is an animated
> icon for the app.

I have been muttering for ages that the thing I would love to see is
not quite this, although it would make a grand starting point. It's
a way to do the equivalent of ^C (cancel the thing) after I miss with
the mouse and start some gigantic application up instead of the little
diddy one next to it. On a slow machine, it can take quite some time
to start up big apps. I really would like something that is like ^C
or ^D at the command line to kill it before it's even started properly!
(gtop doesn't count: by the time that's started up and you've found
the process, it's too late, and you now have Big App _and_ gtop running.)

If you could click (or control-click, to be safer) on such a thing to kill 
it off, that would be so cooool.


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