Re: panel sessions

* Matt Greenfield ( wrote:
> Hi, my panel has just died.. Again..
> I'm not sure how I killed it today.. Something to do with an applet I think,
> but no, I can't reproduce it..  What I would like to know, is how do I
> rescue my panel session?  I'm am getting sick of re-adding all the applets I
> use and getting it to look how I like.  So.. how - oh how - can I save my
> panel session so that I can just drop it back in place after a panel crash?
> Perhaps some system of automatically keeping a backup of the current panel
> session would be handy..
> Thanks
> Matt

I just posted this to someone else, but here you go anyway. This is
slightly crude, and I'm sure someone else could do something more elegant,
but that's me, I'm crude ;)

In your ~/.xinitrc (if you use startx to start x), before you exec
gnome-session include the lines...

cd ~/
rm -rf ~/.gnome_backup
cp -R ~/.gnome ~/.gnome_backup

That's it. Everytime you run X, gnome's settings are dumped to a
backup directory. If you lose your panel, and don't want to
reconfigure all you applets, leave X, and do
rm -rf ~/.gnome
cp -R ~/.gnome_backup ~/.gnome

This will restore gnome to the state it was in before you just ran it.
You will obviously lose any changes you made to the session, but it
will save you recreating your environment.

Obviously, if you start gnome again without doing this, your broken
settings will then be backed up over your old working ones.

If you had a ton of diskspace, you could even store two or three
copies, and rotate them, removing the oldest one each time you start.
I don't think this is really necessary though.

Btw, if you don't use startx, I believe the file is Xsession, but I'm
not too sure. Wherever you put the exec gnome-session basically :)

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