Re: panel sessions

Matt Greenfield wrote:

> Hi, my panel has just died.. Again..
> I'm not sure how I killed it today.. Something to do with an applet I think,
> but no, I can't reproduce it..  What I would like to know, is how do I
> rescue my panel session?  I'm am getting sick of re-adding all the applets I
> use and getting it to look how I like.  So.. how - oh how - can I save my
> panel session so that I can just drop it back in place after a panel crash?
> Perhaps some system of automatically keeping a backup of the current panel
> session would be handy..
> Thanks
> Matt


the config files for the panel are in the directory

There are subdirectories with names Sesion-xxxxxxx
In those you can find all the configs!
Normally when the panel dies the corresponding
directory is not destroyed, so you can restart the panel

panel --sm-config-prefix=/panel.d/Session-xxxxx/

the problem is that if that happens normally you will get a
warning that an already running panel is detected ( the one
that died) and that the new one will not be restarted.
This is very annoying, because then it will not be added
to your session settings when you restart gnome the next time.

But then again you can use the above command to start it once
again, this time there should be no warning like that!

Does anybody know how to tell to remove the dead panel from
the running gnome-session, so that one does not get that
warning in the first place??????? Would be very handy!

hope this helps


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