Re: tarballed gnome and gcc 2.95.1?

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 09:48:27PM +0100, Paul Barnfather wrote:
> BTW, anyone know what's up with the latest gcc? Luckily for me, I
> stayed with 2.8.1...

No problems with gcc-2.95 at all. I'm using Linux with glibc-2.1, and
some old libc5 bits left. gcc-2.8 gave me lots of troubles for the
short time that I tried it.

I think that the main problems in a switch from 2.8 to 2.95 will come
from incompatible shared libraries.

With gnome, the only problem that I found was something in xbill
that didn't compile. No mysterious crashes or bugs. Sometimes the
panel does indeed forget its configuration, but killing and
restarting it does help most of the time. This is a long standing
bug though (or rather a bunch of long standing race conditions,
is my guess), and it would be nice to have it working flawlessly.
As far as I can tell, it's unrelated to gcc-2.95.

That KDE doesn't compile does not surprise me, since KDE is
written in C++ and gcc-2.95 is tracking the official C++ standard
more and more closely. Apparently KDE has some bits of illegal
C++, and I'm sure that will be fixed soon.


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