CVS tags

  Is there any info file, recommendations, etc. as to what tags a person
should be using for cvs ?
  In general I've always just used the HEAD branch (except for glib/gtk+,
ORBit, libgtop) and other than some minor problems here and there GNOME
has always built fine. Now with the .5x stuff coming out I've seen a few
messages saying to use '-1-0' tags and I did that for gnome-core/libs
(and no longer use the seperate gnome-applets) but a lot of the modules
don't have a '-1-0' tag.
  I'm not a developer (although I wish I could contribute more) but I
like to stay up to date with GNOME and follow it and I find cvs more
current, etc. but it gets confusing with what/when tags we should be using.

If all the world's a stage; I sure got lousy seats.

Mike Hall <>, ICQ: #37292579,
System Administrator (MH993) (*nix, OS/2 certified - C, Perl, CGI hacker)

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