Anyone figured out why gtop (October GNOME) is crashing on exit?

Andrew Post wrote:

 > Ever since I upgraded my video card, and hence could use pixmap themes
 > without too much of a performance hit, gtop has been crashing on
 > exit. Gtop also crashes when you click "OK" or "Apply" in the Properties
 > dialog box.  This behavior does not occur when I'm using a theme that
 > doesn't use the pixmap engine.

GTop doesn't crash for me when I exit, only when I change something and
click "Ok" or "Apply" in Properties.  (Yes, I filled out two of those dozen
bug reports.)

I have a P2 with RedHat 6.0, all the latest updates and then some,
2.2.12-11 kernel RPM from  GNOME is October release
with RPMs from 

Raul Acevedo

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