Re: gnome-core-1.1.0 comments..

Sri Ramkrishna <> writes:

> I"ve been playing with the new panel at work.  It really kicks butt, and
> it seems fairly stable.  I love the new panel types.  Couple of things
> though:
> o Are you planning on being able to resize applets too when you change the
>   size of the panel?  I've found that if you change the panel size iwth an
>   applet, the applet won't resize.  I guess thats something the applet
>   library needs to do.

Applets which support the size hints (not all do yet) will resize.
Support is getting added, it will just take some time before all
the old ones work with it.
> o When you move the floating panel around, the arrow on the foot menu is
>   fixed.  So if you mvoe to teh right side of the screen the arrow is
>   facing the edge instead of hte other way around.  (Yes it's a nitpick,
>   but a newbie might get confused)

I hadn't seen that before, I'll try to fix it when I get a chance.

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