Re: GNOME and PPP - suggestions for way forward

On Sun, 30 May 1999, Tom Gilbert wrote:

> Wooahh!
> Let's not get too carried away here. The way this thread is going, the
> Modem lights applet is going to get axed! See attached mail at bottom. 
> I love this applet. When I first came across it I was happy to have
> finally found a ppp-dialer which was what I wanted. Its tiny, minimalist,
> click-on, clock-off, yet shows the important basic stats - specifically
> whether I am sending or recieving, and how much...
> The best thing about it is that it will run my own pppon and pppoff
> scripts. These scripts can also be called via a command line and have the
> power to control an Internet connection server as well as a dialup desktop
> machine. I use these scripts as they are extremely flexible and powerful.
> I appreciate the ease of use that apps such as Gnome-PPP bring to
> connecting, but I refuse to maintain 2 sets of dialup scripts, especially
> when the "easy to use" one lacks a lot of flexibility.
> Now, if the PPP-dialer applet had the facility/option to run a
> shell-script or two, instead of using its built-in configurations, and to
> run in the panel with a tiny footprint and show basic stats.... Then you'd
> be talking.

What would be cool (and most logical to folks wo don't entirely understand
this stuff) would be for gnome-ppp to be able to share its dialup scripts
by default (or selectively) with the panel apps.


> Cheers guys,
> %----------------------------------------------------------------------%
> %  Tom Gilbert,                                                        %
> %  Southampton                                                         %
> %  ENGLAND                               %
> %----------------------------------------------------------------------%
> %  Sites to Visit:                    |   .~.                          %
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> %                  |  ^^-^^       %
> %----------------------------------------------------------------------%
> On Sat, 29 May 1999 wrote:
> ->
> ->The PPP Dialer applet that comes with gnome-core has been removed for the
> ->next release. Does the Modem Lights applet have any uses other than
> ->dialing into PPP shells? I've never seen this applet.
> ->
> ->There is a new PPP dialer applet that is distributed in the gnome-network
> ->package, starting with version 1.0.2. It has some of the properties of the
> ->applet you described.
> ->
> ->Your suggestions for the statistics is appreciated also. This is something
> ->that is planned to be added sometime I think.
> ->
> ->Thanks,
> ->  Cody
> ->
> --------------------SNIP--------------------
> ->On Sat, 29 May 1999, James Green wrote:
> ->
> ->> Dear all,
> ->> 
> ->> I've been playing around with the ppp and modem progs that come with
> ->> gnome. I want to quickly congratulate those who did gnome-ppp - it worked
> ->> first time, unlike other scripts and setup-tools that give failure notices
> ->> from those in #linuxhelp.
> ->> 
> ->> Now, it seems bizarre to have THREE (count 'em) apps/utils to perform
> ->> modem/ppp operations. Could we not get rid of modem_lights and PPP-Applet
> ->> and just expand gnome-ppp (it works, why break it?)?
> ->> 
> ->> I propose (and I have no idea what's in CVS, i'm using the latest
> ->> stable tarballs):
> ->> 
> ->> - Gnome-PPP should be like the DUN in Windows95 in that it is available
> ->>   both as an application and as a menu-driven system from the panel.
> ->> 
> ->> - Get rid of modem_lights and PPP Applet
> ->> 
> -------------SNIP-------------
> -- 
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