Re: File manager tree.

On Sun, 30 May 1999, Michael Pucher wrote:

> hello
> some bugs i found:
> 1. When I click on the minus on the root ([-]/) to close the tree, gmc
> rescans the complete directory tree,
> and chrashes (closes?)(not every time, but sometimes).No core dump,
> only:
> Done gmc.
> When I double click on the folder icon it works.
> I have gmc 4.5.30, gnome-core 1.0.5, gnome-libs 1.0.9 (SuSe 6.0).
> 2. When I open the preferences window( edit->preferences... ) the
> desktop icons
> are not available( you can't click them).
> if this is fixed in later or cvs versions, please let me know...
> some wishes:
> 1. A thumbnail image view, like in gqview.
> 2. Show MIME type and description of the selected file in the status
> bar.

With MIME types, I'd like to see a button in the file preferences dialog
that sends the user to the MIME type configuration... this way the user
can change the options of the mime type of any file directly from that


> 3. A location bar with a drop down, and perhaps a menu(optional) with a
> file system structure and bookmarks like the disk navigator in KDE.
> 4. Configurable toolbars and menus.
> PS: I don't think integrating the web with a file manager is the right
> way.
>     A web browser is a web browser and a file manager is a file manager.
>     Not more, not less. And the file manager in Windoze is really a
> joke.
> bye, bye
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