Re: Are GNOME apps _supposed_ to open slowly?

On 25 May 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> > I've had GNOME on my Debian 2.1 system for a little while now, and despite
> > all my efforts to the contrary (installing esd, removing esd, reinstalling
> > gtk, gnomelibs, etc.) it still takes 5-10 seconds for any GNOME
> > application to open. 
> This is not normal.

I think some of it comes from ESD. strace reveals that each one reads and
writes ~/.esd_auth about 100 times, and attempts to access the file
"etc/gnome-config/override/session" and "./gnome-config/override/session"
many times unsuccessfully. Very strange.
> > I've had people tell me this is actually _normal_,
> > and that some people on GNOME argued it was a Good Thing (TM). 
> Who told you so?  that is false.

Just something someone mentioned in passing somewhere, don't remember who 
... I wouldn't put much faith in it.

- Bill

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