Gnome-pager Annoyance!

I am new to Linux and am amazed about the beauty of both the KDE and the
Gnome desktops. I am converting myself from Windows to Linux, but it is
not as easy as it sounds. There are nice things abiout it an annoying
ones also. For example I am running the pager applet in the panel. If I
open a window, one task is added in the pager list, of course. If I want
to change the active window from the pager first I have to push both
mouse buttons to iconify the window that I want to activate and then
click with the left button to bring it in front. I could not do it
simpler. The logical choice would be if i click with the left button on
one of the pager  tasks then it should be brought forward and activated.
Is there a way to set this? I looked in the help file. It was not much
of a help. It is just a description of things that you figure out by
yourself anyway.  It does not describe what the task icons mean (ie
little box, snake (or whatever is that), glowing snake :)).


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