Re: The State Of The Art

Michael Vanecek wrote:
> Two things:
> 1. It's jerks like you who laughed when the notion of a spherical earth
> was brought up, that we are truly NOT at the center of the solar system
> and that the speed of sound can't be broken. Learn from history and keep
> your derisive trap shut...
> 2. Linux is about choice. If you don't like something, then don't use
> it. But DON'T think you're opinion is better than anyone else's - you
> are just one tiny little person in a sea of over 7 million - act like
> it.

I agree with you. Obviously, I'm the dumbiest man on this list as I
can't see The Great Idea[tm], ya know, the one that compares to the
flight at speed above that of the sound. All I can see is the window
sliding the desktop when the mouse reaches the edge, instead of
instantly to a new one.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the bright minds enlightening me.

> P.S. - Do you even work?


PS. Hey, what happened to the First Amendment ?

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