Re: The State Of The Art

Michael ROGERS wrote:
> >I've seen this kind of idea before, though at the time it was focused on
> >data access not desktop access...but at the time it struck me as
> >something decades away (I was still a windows user, what can I say).
> >I agree with mr. jetzek, in that this may be the thing that makes linux
> >the "have to use" O/S.  once again, it could be hardware playing catchup
> >to software, as we develop the kind of screens that make this more
> >intuitive to use.
> (Forgive me if I'm missing something important, BUT...)
>  Couldn't a window manager running under X do this fairly simply? I don't see
> why it would be much more difficult to handle than "flat" multiple desktop
> areas. The hardest part would probably be the pager/mini-view - how would
> you show the inner surface of a sphere?
> Michael Rogers

Strange, I was just about to say that this is just a new way to have a
Window Manager dealing with windows :-).

To Dr_Geek: You might want to contact raster and mandrake on this, since
they are the primaries for Enlightenment, and this sort of thing really
doesn't sound like the kind of thing that a "simple" WM would like to
encompass (and everyone oooh'd and aaah'd when E introduced
screenshot-pagers a couple weeks back :-)).

    Jim Cape

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