Flaws in recent Gnome updates

I would like to know if I'm the only one having problems with the recent
series of Gnome updates posted to ftp.inconnect.com.

In particular, I have had to remove the updated GTK+, the updated glib, *and*
the updated gtop and return to the versions distributed with RH6.

I started with gtop... launching that produced ENDLESS errors from a module
named glibtop... gtop would eventually load (took 30 sec or more), but every
update of *it's* window produced a stream of these errors in the term that
launched it.  Backing off to the distributed versions of gtop and glib removed
those errors, but left me with several GTK+ assertion errors.

Backing off GTK+ to the version distributed with RH6 removed the assertion
errors, and not coincidentally also removed the problem I've been having with
gnome-linuxconf locking up and needing to be killed after making changes in
the system configuration.

On the other tentacle, related to the gnome-terminal bug I posted about a few
minutes ago, I tried backing off gnome-core and gnome-libs to the distributed
RH6 versions... the gnome-terminal bugs (text overwrite and background
transparency) are there no matter what versions of those I use.

Marc Wilson

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