Some Basic Questions (RH 6.0)


Here are two questions that have been gnawing away at the back of my

[1] I was wondering what the best way is to add startup commands like:

        xhost +
    etc.  I'm not sure what init files are sourced by the RedHat 6.0
    gdm start-up script(s).

[2] I use tcsh as my SHELL, and I have a pretty complex .cshrc that
    sets various environment variables, my path and such.  Is there a
    way to make the launcher use tcsh (or csh)?  Otherwise I'll have
    to maintain a separate .shrc, .bashrc or .bash_profile  

    Would it make sense for the control panel to use $SHELL instead
    of sh or bash?

        Thanks in advance for the shedding of any light,


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