Re: Some Basic Questions (RH 6.0)

: [1] I was wondering what the best way is to add startup commands like:
:         xhost +
:     etc.  I'm not sure what init files are sourced by the RedHat 6.0
:     gdm start-up script(s).

Pretty sure that what you want is .xsession in your home directory. If
you want to make some global settings read the gdm-manual.txt in the
/usr/doc/gdm directory to see all the options available.

: [2] I use tcsh as my SHELL, and I have a pretty complex .cshrc that
:     sets various environment variables, my path and such.  Is there a
:     way to make the launcher use tcsh (or csh)?  Otherwise I'll have
:     to maintain a separate .shrc, .bashrc or .bash_profile  

I think what you really want is for gdm to source your .cshrc for you
so your environment is properly inherited by all your apps, right? The
.xsession file can use any shell you want by putting the appropriate
#! line at the top. You can then use 'source .cshrc' to slurp in all
your existing settings, and that way you won't need two copies of

:     Would it make sense for the control panel to use $SHELL instead
:     of sh or bash?

I don't think so because we're not concerned about shells per se, just
getting the environment set up properly, which is done via .xsession
or .xinitrc, and with those you can use whatever shell you want. Let
me know if I wasn't clear on some point.

   - A

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