Trouble compiling gnome-core 1.0.5

I use RH 5.2, and have the most recent gcc-compiled RPMS
installed. Yesterday I compiled the newly available glib, gtk+ (1.2.2) and 
gnome-libs 1.0.9 from tarballs doing rpm -ta <tarball>. 

However, the same doesn't work with gnome-core: build goes alright but the
install terminates just before actually writing the rpms (both binary and
source). From what I can see the actual tree has been built in
/var/tmp/gnome-core-root, but I don't know what to do with it (i.e., I
don't know how to turn it into a rpm). Any idea? Thank you for your help

--- *** --- *** --- *** ---
Pierluigi Miraglia pierlu AT pmiragli AT 

The soul has a self-increasing logos (Herakl.)

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