Strange behavior from GNOME ...

I have been trying to find why my GNOME apps take 7 seconds or so to open
with no success. I have attached the output of strace on gnome-terminal.
(I gzipped it, because it is 100KB. I hope this is not completely
impolite.) If anyone dares have a quick look at it, to see if anything
looks unusual, I would be eternally grateful!

What I've noticed is:
	1) It attempts to open the file
           "gnome/config-override/session/" in both etc/ and ./
	   directories about 100 times, which seems rather odd.
	2) There are several calls to select() which end in a timeout.
	3) GNOME repeatedly reads and writes small 32-byte blocks to a
           temp file. (I think this is normal, but is it supposed to do it
	   about 800 times?)

Thanks very much.

- Bill


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