Re: ORBit 0.4.3 (fwd)

If you continue to have difficulty please contact <>.
I am trying to build ORBit 0.4.3, which I downloaded from the gnome ftp
site, but am running into a problem.  When I try to make it, it complains

make: 1254-002 Cannot find a rule to create target
../orb/interface_repository.h from dependencies.
Exit 2

The file doesn't seem to be there.  I could find nothing in the
documentation, or looking at the configuration script that looked like
this file was automatically generated, but I could have missed something.
Does anybody know if this file is supposed to be generated on the fly, or
if I just got a bad distibution ?  If so, is there any place else that I
can get the archive from?  Thanks,


PS please reply to my address, am not subscribed to the list.

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