Re: GDM XDMCP problems on RedHat 6.0 (was GDM Photos) writes:
>May 10 12:10:43 cobra gdm[32366]: gdm_auth_secure_display: Could not unlink
>/var/gdm/:0.xauth file: No such file or direct
>May 10 12:07:49 cobra gdm[31946]: gdm_auth_secure_display: Could not unlink
>/var/gdm/ file: No such fi
>le or directory
>Afterwards GDM semi-dies.  The greeter process is still running, but GDM
>becomes unavailable for xdmcp broadcasts.  The files being mentioned in the
>messages error are indeed there with the following perms:
>-rw-r-----   1 root     gdm            49 May 10 12:10
>-rw-r-----   1 root     gdm            63 May 10 12:10 :0.xauth

Works for me[tm], I see the same perms.

# ls -ld /var/gdm
drwxr-x---   2 gdm      gdm          1024 May  3 16:42 /var/gdm

If that isn't it, then I don't know offhand what it could be.


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