Re: GDM photos

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Evans <> writes:

Chris> Speaking of XDMCP with GDM, my finding is that is doesn't work
Chris> in "out of the box" RH6.0. I logged a bug against RH6.0 using
Chris> bugzilla.

Chris> To make sure I wasn't doing something silly, I replaced
Chris> /etc/X11/prefdm with xdm, and XDMCP worked as expected :-/

Well, gdm was written from scratch and not all xdm functionality is
implemented yet.

The XDMCP support is complete, though (Except for host choosing which
is nearly there).

Chris> gdm is definitely listening on udp:177 and the gdm.conf file
Chris> _appears_ to be setup to allow XDMCP connects

The Red Hatters broke XDMCP in 6.0 somehow. I haven't had time to
investigate the SRPM yet.

Anyway I'd recommend using gdm2 from CVS instead. It's much more
stable than the 1.x series. Both for XDMCP and local displays.

Martin Kasper Petersen			BOFH, IC1&2, Aalborg University, DK

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