mc double-click action doesn't work on VFAT

I don't know if this is a known problem.  When I double click on
file.jpg on a linux partition, ee opens the file.  When I double click
on file.jpg on a vfat partition, the string "# ./file.jpg" or something
like that shows up in the window where I started panel.  I am not at my
Linux machine now to do further testing.

Also, is there any progress on a gnome dependency tree.  I've seen the
"install order" documents, but would like to see something that shows
things like "gnome-core doesn't depend on libgtop, but will have more
features if libgtop is installed".  That might be a dotted line, where a
pure dependency would be a solid line.

While I'm here, I'm having trouble with some compiles.  e and
control-center(?) have checks for imlib1.8.2 which fail even though I
have 1.9.4 installed from an rpm.

Keith Wear

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