Re: esd == bad_sound


>>>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 18:18:54 -0500 (EST)
>>>>> James Charles Lewis <> said:

 James> Usually there is little noise when >I< sit idle, but moving
 James> windows and such seem to increase the noise. (Note, this
 James> problem does NOT occur when I am NOT using esd).

That lies in the nature of the thing. For sound to go smooth, esd
needs to get the CPU quite regularly. If you swamp your processor with 
other things, esd will not get its slices in time, and you hear pops.

If at all possible, ensure that esd is running at a high priority,
preferably real-time-scheduled.


Robert Bihlmeyer	reads: Deutsch, English, MIME, Latin-1, NO SPAM!
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