Re: : undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 06:14:26AM -1000, Torben Noerup Nielsen wrote:
> It's great that there is a FAQ for this. Now we know the reason. But I would
> be much happier with a solution. Like glibc-2.1 which isn't available. Does
> anyone have an rpm of this? If I understand things correctly, that should
> fix these problems.

I'm currently using glibc-2.1-0.990219, and the current RPM on the
rawhide archive is glibc-2.1-0.990222.  These should work fine.

> I'm disturbed that it has been removed for political reasons and I hate to
> think of how many man-hours this has cost. I would *like* to be able to get
> back to work and I have already installed all of the Gnome rpm's with the
> unreasonable expectation that it will work. Instead even things like
> linuxconf are now broken.

It has been removed /because/ of all these problems.  It was decided
that glibc 2.1 only compiling with egcs and not gcc was a bad thing.

Ian Peters		"The farther you go, the less you know."				-- Lao Tsu, "Tao Te Ching"

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