Re: gdk_imlib 1.9.4 problems - NetBSD-current

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, NJ Verenini wrote:

> gdk_imlib ERROR: Cannot load image:
> /usr/local/share/pixmaps/whatever.{gif,jpg,png,bmp,foo}
> All fallbacks failed.

I had the same error message. My solution - on suse 6 so I dunno if this
helps you any - was to delete all libgtk* libgdk* libimlib* and libImlib*
that I could find. I also downloaded a binary distro of ImageMagick and
added the delegates.mgk to /usr/share/ImageMagick. Then I reinstalled gtk,
glib, and imlib... Seems to have worked. Have gnome running now.

So my guess would be you have some conflicting versions maybe? Gnome seems
to be very picky in this regard.

Best wishes,

 "When one entertains female friends, one should try not to
  look quite as seedy as certain unnamed parties habitually do."
                     --- Calvin & Hobbes: "It's a Magical World"

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