
  Just curious as to if there will be new tarballs soon for pre1.0 (or
whatever). I'd already grabbed the ones that were on the ftp site along
with glib/gtk+ 1.2. I've already compiled/installed the new glib/gtk+
and then starting seeing a bunch of messages on the list about the
problems compiling with glib/gtk+ 1.2 so I've held off and also noticed
that the pre1.0 stuff was pulled 'Curiousity killed the cat' :-)
  I assume that I should just nuke the pre1.0 stuff I did get and wait
for the next batch ?

An elephant is just a mouse built to Gov't specs !

Mike Hall <>, (MH993)   -
System Administrator (*nix, Perl, CGI hacker, certified OS/2 Specialist)

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