Re: Non-Free Gnome Software

Cody Russell writes:
 > There's nothing wrong with a piece of commercial software being listed on
 > the GNOME software map, in my opinion, so long as it is actually a GNOME
 > application, and not a GTK+ app.
 > If GNOME commerical apps start to become more common, it might be nice to
 > see another field added to the map to list whether it's free or not.

Free is a four-letter word.  Surely you mean "proprietary" and not
"commercial", because with the creation of N&M's Gnome Support
International, *all* Gnome applications are commercial.

It would be quite reasonable for proprietary applications to have to
pay for space on Gnome.  You could even make it be painless and
(reasonably) fair -- just tell the FSF to send them a bill.  After,
they are the Guh in Gnome.  And the effort and overhead of sending the 
bill comes out of the organization that gets the benefit of it.  And
the people who insert the ad into the gnome pages get the warm fuzzies 
for contributing their effort to the FSF.

After all, if you don't put Gnome apps on, where are
people going to look for them?

-russ nelson <>
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