Re: wow, all that stuff in CVS

Check out the gnome-status module.  It gives a bit of information about
what is happening with some of the modules.

There are also README files in most of the packages.



On Thu, 22 Jul 1999 wrote:

> Wow, there's an awful lot of stuff in gnome CVS, as exposed by Bonsai.
> Anybody have any idea what it all does?  Mightn't it be a good thing
> for each package in CVS to have a file "BLURB" which describes the
> problem that the software solves?  And a way to search through all of
> those BLURBs?
> I'd go ahead and do it myself, but I'd be stepping on an awful lot of
> developers toes.  D'ya think anyone would raise a big hue and cry?
> "Who's Russ Nelson and why is he committing changes to my project??"
> -- 
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