Re: Some things GNOME really needs writes:

> The ones who would use GNOME aren't going to install a new package
> manager, and jump through all the hoops needed to get RPM to actually 
> behave semi-sanely on systems not *installed* via RPM, in order to
> install it.

So what?  They can use whatever packager came on the system, and
download that package.

Or do you honestly expect non-admin users on commercial unices to
download gnome on their own?  I don't think that there are enough
non-root users on commercial Unices which have enough disk space to
install Gnome, Gtk, lib* and all the other assorted requirements, who
don't know how to compile from source to worry about, and to create
some magical compile wizard to aid them.

Alan Shutko <> - Looking for a job in Long Island!
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