Re: Panel instability after ORBit 0.4.91

On 7 Jul 1999 13:48:18 -0400, Dan Siemon <> wrote:
>After installing the newest ORBit my panel seems to have gotten really
>unstable. Certain applets cause it to crash or freeze (mixer causes a
>complete crash, SlashApp freezes the panel).
>Is there a certain procedure that should be followed when installing a
>new release of ORBit?

Yes, install an even newer release (0.4.92).

>If anyone is interested I could get a trace or core dump.
>	Dan
>P.S.-> Just for interest sake what are the files named like
>orb-1579301381443249365 used for?

Connection points for the UNIX socket transport.

You should safely be able to rm them between GNOME sessions...
-- Elliot
You're not being rude. I'm just a moron.

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