strange session management stuff

        I've just recently started to use gnome-session to start my
windowmanager, and everything, when I start up X.  The gnomecc is cool, but
there are a few things I don't quite understand.  I'm running debian potatoe,
and have (I would assume) very new versions of CVS gnome. 

Anyhow, what I am really trying to avoid, is the annoying, and evil way that
when I quit x, and then log back into it, 1000 windows (not literally, just
seems that way ;) open ... such as xterms, and netscape, and other things I
don't want started when I log in.  Please don't suggest "But, its cool"... its
not, I hate it ;)  To each their own.  Anyhow, on with the problem...

In the gnome-docs, is shows a "gnome-session-applet" or some such.. with
picture and everything.  Now, in the newer version of gnome I'm using, the
session management has changed somewhat, or so it would seem.  The "session
manager" menu item in gnomecc has changed to "startup programs".  This is where
the problem comes in...

Every time I run a program, it gets added to the blasted "startup programs"
menu.  I don't want that.  I don't ever want that.  Ever.  I can't find a way
to prevent those programs from being added, and I want to run gnome-session so
all the other cool stuff (the screensaver, the sounds, the panel, etc, is all
done at once).  In short, I want to run gnome, and be able to configure it as I
like ;)  It looks like you used to be able to do that, from the picutres I see
of the gnome-session in the user guide, but that functionalilty seems to have

Am I doing something wrong?  Is there some part of gnome I'm missing?  I know
that the gnome-session-applet has been changed to "startup programs" in
gnomecc, because when I run it, up pops startup programs.  So what gives?  How
can I stop this horrible gnome feature from annoying me 24 hours a day ;)

Any help would be appreciated...


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