Re: Control Center/Enlightenment configuration

On 22 Feb, Russell Steinthal scribbled:
->  I just came across a somewhat weird E/GNOME interaction which I 
->  thought I'd mention (I'm writing here since I don't read the E list 
->  and I know Rasterman is on gnome-list...).  Anyway, enough 
->  introduction.
->  Basically, the problem is that if I start the GNOME Control Center 
->  and go to the Enlightenment page, the Backgrounds (sub-) page is 
->  inactive (i.e. all the controls except OK and Cancel are grayed out). 
->   If I run the Enlightenment configurator from my E menu (middle 
->  button, Configuration), it works correctly.
->  Is this a known problem, a feature I just missed the documentation 
->  for, a misconfiguration on my part, or a new bug?  If the latter, and 
->  I can provide any more information, let me know.

its a feature. (in special fx when you run under the control-center
theyers a checkbutton to enable the background selector)

->  System info: GNOME 0.99.8, 2/16 E snapshot, and enlightenment-conf 
->  0.13, all installed from binary RPMS.
->  -Russell

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------       /\___ /\ ___/||\___ ____/|/\___
Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
218/21 Conner Drive        || // __ \\_ \ | |   \ _/_|| /   Development Labs
Chapel Hill NC 27514 USA   ||\\\/  \//__/ |_|   /___/||\\   919 547 0012 ext 282
+1 (919) 929 9443, 801 4392   For pure Enlightenment

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