Re: Customisable Accelerators should be taken care off.


>>>>> On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 02:10:35 +0100
>>>>> TG <> said:

 TG> 1) Should a menu entry both has an hotkey and a accel key? Their
 TG>    use IS different, but I don't think anyone has significant
 TG>    advantage when he can choose "<Ctrl>+S" or just "S" for saving
 TG>    his file.

I, for one, do not understand what different concepts you designate by 
"hotkey" and "accel key".

 TG> 2) Shouldn't we insist on using a modifier like the control or
 TG>    meta key for acceleration?

No, not generally. Apps like Mahjongg that have no normal use for
unmodified alphabetic keys should not prevent usage of these for menu
entries. I concede, however, that apps that do use that keys (anything 
with text-fields) at least issue a warning.

 TG> 3) (I don't know what stock menu entries are, forgive me.) We
 TG>    could include (in gnome-libs?) a common interface to very
 TG>    often used actions like "About..", "Open..", "Quit", "Copy",
 TG>    etc. The accelerators for those actions are shared by all
 TG>    Gnome apps and can be modified using gnomecc.

For the sake of consistency, I would like the feature we're talking
about available for stock menu entries, too. If "Edit/Cut" is active,
and I press "Shift-Del", a dialog should possibly pop-up, asking me
whether I want to make this accelerator global for all gnome apps.

Conflicts are resolved by giving stock menu entries priority over
application menu entries, and user set accelerators priority over


Robert Bihlmeyer	reads: Deutsch, English, MIME, Latin-1, NO SPAM!
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