Re: NAS vs. ESD (not a troll!)

NAS cannot work near real time.  This is lousy for both games and
teleconferencing applications.

ESD may have its own problems: I haven't looked at it, so what I know
is second/third hand.

There are also two other audio servers around: AF (of which I was co-author:
see the Usenix proceedings in the early 90's for a description; code is
available, though never ported to Linux, this should be easy).

Keith Packard has also written an audio server.

The issue is we need ONE good audio server: all servers around have problems 
as far as I've been able to tell.

If people are interested in actively working on fixing the situation, please
let me know.
				- Jim Gettys

Jim Gettys
Technology and Corporate Development
Compaq Computer Corporation,

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