Re: my shortlist of GNOME wishes

> Just my two cents on the topic: Don't let learning curve get in the
> way of ease of use. I do not know how to do this really, but I
> thought I'd suggest it to the gurus to see if they had ideas.

If this is an appropriate topic I'll throw in my own two cents.  The
worst thing about most GUI environments is they don't lend themselves
to scripting.  

Computers were supposed to help us automate things.  But on PCs I find
myself doing a lot of manual repetitive tasks because I'm pointing and
clicking instead of typing textual commands which could be put into a

I don't know how to make a friendly GUI environment that is also
friendly to automation.  If there's a solution, I'm sure you guys will
find it.  One thing that comes to mind would be some way of viewing
the command-line alternative to any series of actions in a GUI.



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