Re: where is gmc ?

gmc is built automatically as part of the mc package.

./configure should report something like the following:


  Source code location:       .
  Compiler:                   /usr/local/bin/gcc
  Compiler flags:             -O3 -msupersparc
-I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I/usr/local/include
  File system:                Midnight Commander Virtual File System
                              tarfs, mcfs, ftpfs, fish
  Text mode screen manager:   SLang (system-installed library) with
  Install console saver:      no
  Text mode mouse library:    xterm only
  Text mode X11 support:      no
  Debugger code:              none
  With subshell support:      yes
  X11 versions:               Gnome+
  Internal editor:            yes
  Install path:               /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib/mc

make install will install the binary as gmc, although
you can find it in the source tree as ./gnome/plain-gmc after

If you didn't get plain-gmc, watch out for any errors during 
configure or make that might cause gmc to be skipped.

Jean Raymond Chauviere wrote:
> On solaris 2.6,
> I installed mc but didn't get gmc ?
> any information would be appreciated

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Barnfather ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
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