Re: [Suggestion] Formatting in GMC

+++ Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 05:47:00PM -0400 +++
Rob Lesan e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> This idea doesn't seem that far fetched to me.  Seems like formatting a
> floppy disk would be a task a "normal" user might expect the file
> manager to do.

Actually, it's not something that's directly related to *managing*
*files*, but surely one would expect a floppy symbol to have a kind of
format option in its context menu.

> It doesn't mean you have to kill the modular structure
> of unix -- just include a menu that would call fdformat or whatever.
> Whether the user has to be root or just a member of the floppy group in
> order to create the filesystem on the floppy disk can be left up to the
> distribution/sysadmin.

Obviously, gsu could be useful here. Hm... I don't want to rant
*again*, but what's happened to gsu?

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                                                       -- Dan Schmidt.

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