A couple panel issues

Two questions related to the panel:

1. Is the Gnome Pager going to be completely replaced by the Task List
and the Desk Guide?

2. Does anyone use a pixmap background for their Gnome panel(s)? I
noticed that no suitable pixmaps seem to ship with Gnome. If you don't
mind, I'd like to cobble up a tarball or two with pixmaps that go well
in the Gnome panel and put them up on my Web page; I'm going to look
for textures on my own box, but if you could submit me some, I'd be

(As you can see, for some reason I'm on a mission for prettifying
Gnome. Don't know where that comes from. Maybe I've caught too much

Ideally, I think, gnome-core should ship with a couple panel
backgrounds. We have already got those great launcher tiles, so maybe
we can include roughly the same number of panel pixmaps in the

The tiles don't work as they aren't seamless (of course); your panel
looks tiled if you texture it with a launcher tile. There is at least
one project I know (Propaganda) dedicated to making seamless
background pixmaps, but none of those seem small enough or easy enough
on the eyes for serving as the background of a panel.


As always with nethack, if you are gullible or take anything for
granted, then you are dinner.
                             -- Darcy Brockbank <samurai@cs.mcgill.ca>

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