Re: [Suggestion] Formatting in GMC

This idea doesn't seem that far fetched to me.  Seems like formatting a
floppy disk would be a task a "normal" user might expect the file
manager to do.  It doesn't mean you have to kill the modular structure
of unix -- just include a menu that would call fdformat or whatever.
Whether the user has to be root or just a member of the floppy group in
order to create the filesystem on the floppy disk can be left up to the


Tomasz Kłoczko [] said:
> On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, James Green wrote:
> > Here's a suggestion for implementation in GMC or Son of GMC:
> > 
> > I can select /mnt/floppy in GMC, so how about bringing up a menu with
> > possible options including formatting of disks (DOS, VFAT, ext2, etc.)?
> Nonsens. For formating or creating fs structure You must have root
> privilidges or must have write permission to specified /dev/fd#.
> Unices world use modularized model where each elementar job can be done
> with separated command. Including device formating code in MC is completly
> dumb idea. Also We can't expect that on all system normal user have
> permission for formatting device or making on them fs structure (this is
> big security risk) .. also remember that formatting and making fs
> stricture is not non-root job.
> Use fdformat from xterm or mkfs -t <fs_type> if You want to do format or
> make fs structure on floppy (if You have permission) .. and allow stay
> [G]MC as file manager.
> kloczek
> -- 
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