Great icons

+++ Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 10:56:22AM -0400 +++
Ben Frantzdale e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> For anyone who's interested, I've put the tarball of icons I mentioned
> earlier (to fill up the foot menu) at
> Not all of them are great, but most are better than nothing :-)

I've had a look at them all. Tigert should have the last word on
which ones are include; after all, he's the lead artist.

Nevertheless, here are my E 0.02:

- desktop.png: I take it this is an icon for a Settings menu; maybe
  its cheery greenness makes it unacceptable, but I like it.

- fonts.png: This one's in the spirit of Gnome, but it's got a bad
  case of stair-stepping and needs to be anti-aliased IMHO. Otherwise

- gnibbles.png: Great.

- GnomeCard.png: Very nice, but staircased.

- gnome-find.png: Same thing.

- graphics1.png: Maybe hard to recognise when scaled down. Consider
  using a more mellow colour; it's so orange one hardly notices the
  holes and the other colours.

- i-zip.png: Simply great, but such an icon already exists
  (i-zipdisk.png). Nevertheless, choice is great, so why not have two
  ZIP disk icons?

- keybord.png: (Typo in the filename, BTW) Nice, but staircased.

- laptop.png: Whoa! Beautiful!

- selector.png: The idea and the execution is good, but it still
  looks like a Roman helmet to me. :)

- tetravex.png: Maybe unrecognisable when scaled down, consider making
  the icon *one* single Tetravex tile.

- utility.png: Could use more coulours and clearer outlines to look
  sophisticated and "painted" like Tigert's icons.

I don't know about other people, but I think your icons are wonderful
and go great with Gnome's overall graphics style. If I could decide,
they would go into CVS immediately, but that's all Tigert's decision,
of course.

And when people are thinking, we may have reason to hope.
                                                         -- Dan Mocsny

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