Re: UI suggestion: gnome-dock

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Daniel Serodio wrote:

> 	I just noticed that you can't change the order of gnome-dock toolbars. For
> example, in Netscape, you have 3 toolbars in the top. You can drag the top one
> below the second and it will stay there. In AbiWord, we have 3 bars on the
> top, but if you drag the menu to below the toolbar, for instance, it won't
> stay there. (sorry if that's a little confuse)
> 	Don't you guys think we should be able to do it? Also, there was some
> discussion on the list some time ago about docking the toolbar beside the
> menubar for instance, or docking 2 menubars on the same row (like you can on
> M$ Word). What do you think?

Uhh... this is already possible with GnomeDock GnomeDockItem and
GnomeDockBand (sp?). It is just the convenience functions
gnome_app_create_[menus,toolbar] that imposes a bit of interface policy. 

(And being a real macho hacker, you don't use those convenience functions
for big apps like AbiWord right? They are only helpful for very static
menus in small apps ;-)



| Conrad Steenberg                        |                                  
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