Re: GNU Midnight Commander 4.5.30 is released

+++ Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 03:30:36PM -0400 +++
Kevin Atkinson e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> Matthias Warkus wrote:
> > 
> > +++ Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 01:18:30AM -0400 +++
> > Kevin Atkinson e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> > >
> > > 1) Middle button dragging is annoying with a two button mouse which many
> > > people switching over from windows will have.
> >   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > > 2) It is WAY to way to easy to accidentally move or copy a file or
> > > directory just by a random mouse click action.  Especially for new users
> > > as GMC doesn't prompt after a mouse action.
> > > 3) For new users it just easier as they will always know what is going
> > > on when they drag an icon as GMC mouse actions differ from windows.  It
> > > is unlikely that a new user coming from windows will do a middle
> >                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > > drag--especially if they have a two button mouse.
> > 
> > This is not the point. Make it user-friendly and newbie-friendly. Ease
> > of transition from Windows is not the main issue.
> So you are dismissing my entire argument because I am referring to
> windows....

No. Seems I created that impression, though; sorry for that.

> I list many reasons.  To me it is more natural for it to always prompt. 

Yes. "Always prompt" should be the default behaviour, but one should
be able to switch it off.

> Windows doesn't not always prompt and sometimes I am not entirely sure

I think, while partly remarkably consistent, a lot of Windows'
Drag-and-Drop interface is cumbersome.

> Let me rephrase the troublesome points.
> 1) Middle button dragging is annoying with a two button mouse which many
> people who currently own a PS have.

I get your point, yes.

> 3) For new users it just easier as they will always know what is going
> on when they drag an icon. (ALSO It is unlikely that a new user coming
> from windows will do a middle drag especially if they have a two button
> mouse.

Probably we should try to have "Always prompt" made the default, and
allow for an entirely configurable DnD behaviour (defaulting to
middle-button drag) if "Always prompt" is switched off.

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