Re: "Lag" or mirrors

Hah! I have a /public/gnome directory on my PC that as up-to-date, if not
more so, than the official mirrors !

Gregory, do you see this message? If you're using RPMs, he usually has
packages within a day or two of the release of the *.tar.gz files.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nils Jeppe <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 1999 1:23 AM
Subject: "Lag" or mirrors

> Hello,
> I am really getting a little tired about the fact that mirrors seem to lag
> behind by several days, at best. seems to be the
> best mirror I found, but for example it still has gnumeric-0.19 - why is
> this so?
> I have heard that mirror sites do not get private ftp accounts, is this
> correct? If so, this should be changed. Top-notch up-to-date mirrors would
> take a lot of the load off

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