Re: DPMS and screensavers (was Re: Background-props problems and suggestions)

On Fri, Sep 25, 1998 at 04:18:58PM -0400, Soren Harward wrote:
> To get the screensaver to come on after a set time, use xautolock:
> To enable DPMS, add:
> xset +dpms suspend [time]
> to your .xinitrc.  Mine is 'xset +dpms suspend 15'

Or use XScreenSaver, which has all this functionality built-in.  It
may interest you to know that XAutoLock has a license which makes it
impossible for it to be distributed by vendors like RedHat:

	Copyright 1990, 1992-1998 by S. De Troch and MCE.

	Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software
	and the supporting documentation without fee is hereby
	granted, provided that

	1 : Both the above copyright notice and this permission notice
	    appear in all copies of both the software and the
	    supporting documentation.
	2 : No commercial use is made out of it.

Just FYI,

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