Control center and windowmanagers

Has anyone planned to make capplets for different windowmanagers? As far as
I know, there are configuration utilities for WindowMaker and Enlightenment
and maybe for other wm's too, and maybe these could be ported to become
capplets? Another alternative could be to make simple capplets that just let
you change to most basic things.

I don't know if it's really needed, but it would be slick and cool to be
able to configure all of your workspace in one place, with the same look and
feel ;) And it would even let grandma (well ok, maybe mom or dad then ;)
change the looks of her windowmanager.

Every single configuration option doesn't need to be represented in the
capplet of course, but titel fonts, font sizes, any pixmaps used, opaque
resizing/moving, and so on. Just the basics to be able to configure your own
personal favorite wm :)

I guess we would have to write capplets for all the windowmanagers or maybe
a capplet, with a nice API, that accepts some kind of plug-ins, containing
the things that differs between the several wm's out there.

I haven't given this much thought yet, but it just now struck me as a good
idea. Any feedback? Totally stupid?


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