Re: Updating, compiling scripts

Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
> Go ahead and post what you have got; we will have to start somewhere
> and your scripts are, I'm sure, just as bad as anyone else's.  BTW,
> it's considered bad form to be embarassed by one's shell scripts; to do
> so implies that the shell is a real programming environment.  8^)

Here's what I've been using. It works reasonably well, but won't stop on
an error - so if gnome-libs breaks, it will still attempt to build
everything else. Haven't gotten a good handle on that yet. You'll have
to make some manual changes to it if you install somewhere other than
/opt/gnome and if you want to add packages to the build list.

It attempts to work around some bad manners in most of the
maintainer-clean makefiles as well by running aclocal first.

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