> I'm having the same problem.  From what I'm hearing on other lists, the
> server is just being hammered by us (gnomers), so the site admin is
> shutting it off trying to get some relief for other people on the server.
> I think it is probably time for more ftp sites carrying the daily snapshot
> bit: is just too slow.  Either that or more faster cvs
> mirrors.
> Unfortunately, I don't think the cable-modem people would appreciate my
> putting up the snapshots considering I'm not even supposed to put up any
> kind of server.  Anyone out there have a high bandwidth ftp site for the
> cause? 

  If Jim can forward me his scripts, I may try to add them on .
I guess I still have enough disk space, CPU and bandwidth. THe most scarce
resource is my time to set it up !


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